Volunteer With

Interns and Volunteers always get our creative juices flowing! All of us at Jugaadlove to interact with people from different walks of life. In the past, we have found that interns and volunteers have no only provided valuable inputs to Jugaad, just interacting with them has been an education in itself for our youth and staff.

The main production centre of Jugaad is situated inside the beautiful and green campus of Karm Gaon. Its open spaces, quiet nooks and bustling production centres are ideal for fostering creativity.

You can intern or volunteer at Jugaad in the following fields:

*Marketing – Jugaad retails in exhibitions across India as well as on the web. People with a flair for marketing can develop innovative marketing and sales solutions for the brand.

*Skills training – If you have a special skill such as baking, painting, tailoring or designing, you can create interesting new projects at Jugaad.

*Design – Designers are always welcome to provide their creative inputs to Jugaad.

*Sustainability – Living at peace with our environment is part of Karm Marg’s philosophy. So if you have any ideas for sustainable designs or recycled products, you are most welcome to implement them at Jugaad!

Here are some details that prospective interns/volunteers will have to provide —

*The specific time frame during which they will regularly volunteer their time (it could be anything from one month to six).

*How many hours in a week they can work
*Exactly what they would like to do at Jugaad
*How much responsibility they are prepared to take on
[[Guidelines for prospective interns and volunteers]]